Fanbase Super Junior
Nama Internasional: Everlasting Friends (E.L.F)
ELF Manado Forever didirikan pada tanggal 13 November 2010 sebagai grup ELF dari Sulawesi Utara.
VISI : To Protect Super Junior by Bel13ve their Prom15e
Misi :
- To increase Super Junior wave
- To keep and increase the love betweem ELF
- To communicate ELF in Indonesia even in the world
- To support, love, and do the best for Super Junior
- To increase korean wave by Super Junior
Pengurus :
a. Secretary : Irmaria Yulitha Tumewu
b. Finance : Anchovy ELF, Julia Narande
c. Public Relationship : Djozze Key Cralicz Jr. Lany Elfs
d. Online Shop : Chuland Kim + Cindy Pratiwi + Nabella Wuisan
– T-shirt : chuland kim + Julia narande
– Pin + Stiker + Dvd + Mug + Photo :
Anchovy Elf + NoviSaranghae Donghae
– Majalah : Novisaranghae Donghae
– Aksesoris : Chuland Kim
e. Kreativator Event Organizer : Farha Eleihin Kukihi + NoviSaranghae Donghae + Thelbic Marino
Kontak: Via Twitter: @ELFManado4ever | Facebook:
Note: Sering hangout di Oroito Cafe, Jl. A. Yani Sario Manado.
proud to be ELF amd Stay True to Super Junior
Fighting ELF Manado (y)
ELF MANADO Jjjangg (y)